Message 2024/09 Who is listening?

Message 2024/09 Who is listening?

Message 09 Year 2024 (Month 04) This message does not include any text. Please watch the short video below about something that happened lately, when in no time I saw the result of surveillance. Links to the Videos on different Platforms – you can decide which one you...
Message 2024/03 Heaven or Hell – the future

Message 2024/03 Heaven or Hell – the future

Message 2024/03 Month 02 Heaven or Hell – the future (our future) Beginning of Message: You may wonder why I don’t talk about politics, when everyone seem to be focused on that and especially this year with the elections or may you name it selections in...
Message 2024/01 What about 2024

Message 2024/01 What about 2024

Message 01 Year 2024 (Month 01) I might be a bit late… or maybe not… my first message on the Secular or Gregorian Year 2024. Amazing how quickly 2023 have rushed by, may you agree with that, but at least for me (mostly). And my perspective for 2024? READ...
Word/ Poetry 2023-01-29 Yeshuas pain

Word/ Poetry 2023-01-29 Yeshuas pain

Prophetic Word (poem), given on 2023-01-29 7:00pm Note: When I received this word I had for a split second a strange pain, where possibly Yeshua let me feel how He feels when he looks upon this world. Out of this pain He gave me these words. Please ask the Holy Spirit...