Word 2023-04-28 My thunder My voice and My Spirit

Word 2023-04-28 My thunder My voice and My Spirit

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-04-28 around 6:30pm Note: I will keep this prophecy for a while at a wrong date so it sits on the frontpage or else it will be a long way in the background! I was standing at the door, looking outside the dark clouds and heard a thunder....
Message 2023/08 Arrival into rest to rest

Message 2023/08 Arrival into rest to rest

Different country, different house, different environment, different couch, but the goofball is more or less the same. The country I finished the trip was not on my radar. I had a couple of options in pocket but definitely not this one. READ MORE No more island now,...
Word 2022-08-12 Worship in Spirit and Truth

Word 2022-08-12 Worship in Spirit and Truth

Prophetic Word 2022-08-12 around 15:30h while swimming and the reminder of it came later around 20:00h during worship with the rest Note: Pay attention that some in this prophecy is figuratively or metaphorical. So make sure to ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide...

Word 2021-11-25 Hollywood and your Children

Prophetic word, received on November 25th 2021 around 12:30 noon. Hollywood Hollywood… Who is Hollywood? Did they ever made something great and good? The mainstream media is truly bad, but Hollywood is worse. The greatest brainwash-machine mankind ever developed...

Word 2021-11-23 Day Hour and a warning to Israel

Prophetic word, given on November 23rd at 4:30 in the morning I finished sleeping and then went to the kitchen for breakfast. It started with these words that came forth out of my mouth: ″No one knows the day and the hour″ (Mt. 24:26/ Mk.13:32) then some thoughts came...