by Klaus | Aug 4, 2024 | Messages
Message 16 in the year 2024, for Month 08 Not a prophecy! Probably the (olympic) games (in Paris/ France) are still running while I post it, though after they will be finished, quickly it will, as usual, all be forgotten. This is what the psychopaths of this world...
by Klaus | Nov 9, 2023 | Messages
From 9/11 to 11/11 @ 11:11 Message 2023/11 …how nasty, yesterday I recorded this message but the audio got spoiled – have no idea what happened. No difference to all the recordings before. Sounded like this… (you can hear it in the video) However, another...
by Klaus | Oct 28, 2023 | Messages
Halloween and your children, Message 2023/10e A year have passed and again the occult holiday turning Month 10 to 11, or shall I say more accurate: Hell-day? Only wondering if can I am still permitted to say that or will this be already counted as hatespeech? I...
by Klaus | Oct 1, 2023 | Words
Prophetic Word, received 2023-10-01 around 10:00pm Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom when you read or listen to this word and don’t lean on your own understanding. And as every now and then I say; when is speaks about I, Me, My, Mine,...
by Klaus | Oct 30, 2022 | Messages
Message about the upcoming occult day Hell ‘oh wean Note: Intentionally I did not write the word in the official manner, as I don’t want to have that word to be found in my mouth. Unlike most messages I only paraphrase the text. For the whole message,...