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Message 2024/16 Month 08 – Olympic Shames, Mockery and the Cowards

Message 16 in the year 2024, for Month 08

Not a prophecy!
Probably the (olympic) games (in Paris/ France) are still running while I post it, though after they will be finished, quickly it will, as usual, all be forgotten. This is what the psychopaths of this world always build on: Who still remember the Covid tyranny with the needle therapy?
That’s why always war for example will happen every other generation.

Out of sight, out of mind… (nothing to see here)

Message 2024-16 Month 08 - Olympic games and mockery


Actually, I am not interested in Olympic games, the bread and circus show, though as a child I have been sometime watching it, if possible. Though by that time we did not had a TV, so my view time was limited.
Later we had a TV and I looked occasionally, but throughout the years I learned, it’s just a show.
And who wins, who knows… how much of it is already staged.
In any case, as I did and still do a lot of sports it is a greater pleasure for me to perform it by myself.
Yes, I will never reach that level of these top athletes, but I am not interested in that anyway, just keep going and enough exercises to remain physically in good shape.

I don’t want to judge those who spend all their time, effort and energy to exercise and join the games, if this is what they want to achieve, it’s their own decision.
Some of our relatives have been joining, but I want to enjoy also my life more and not only be dictated by diets and training and whatever.
I wish more people would (instead running around) invest more time in spiritual fruitful exercises, as Paul said in 1 Timothy 4:8 that bodily exercises profit little.
Okay, back 2000 years ago people had usually enough physical exercise not unlike today when so many people sitting in front of computer screens, in offices all day long.
But Olympic games is another level – and possibly that was what Paul was referring to.

Just came to me, it is like cooking, you cook for an hour or two and then eat it within minutes.
think about 4 years hard training to be in the spotlight at the Olympic games for a few seconds or a few hours – depends what you are doing…
I would rather enjoy my life more and worship Yeshua, than just to run in circles.

However, what I want to focus here is not the sport itself, but the opening ceremony (I guess you would assumed that).
For your understanding, I have not seen any of it and I even don’t know which day it started, but the other day I dropped into an article, as they are all over the web… that mentions how they designed a drag queen parody of the Lords last supper with some pictures included on that and so.
I actually mentioned in another video that I was already expecting a disgusting occult satanic show, blasphemy in every way – it was not given as a prophetic word, but common sense and the understanding of such things are enough to make such predictions and I was 100% right.
The last decade or more all major events that were accompanied with a big opening ceremony, they all were full of occult symbolic rubbish in plain sight – or more than plain sight.
And also every show seem to top the last one in blasphemy and mockery against anything holy.

I don’t want to comment on the details because I have hardly any details about it anyway.
Like the last Trump removal attempt where I also don’t know much about it, but also for such things there is no prophecy necessary. It’s a 80/20 chance to predict it, and even another attempt might not be out of possibility.

But now I want to address those who organize and plan such events.
I know they don’t like me or any other disciple of Yeshua, but I say it anyway.
Not sure if any of them will listen even one of them will listen to my video channels with the few views, but I call it out in the spiritual realm.
If you are one who plan and write such a show, the next big show, let it be a sports event or the next Olympic games if there will be any at all anymore, try this:

Create a show full with mockery and blasphemy against Islam and against their heads, Allah and Mohammad.
I know you won’t do it because of at least two reasons (possibly more):
First of all you don’t have the guts to do it.
You know Christians may protest and send some words here and there and lift their finger, but that’s it.
But as you are all cowards, you poop into your pants just to think about to go against Islam and the Muslims in any way, also because you know they will not only protest with harsh words.
And why is it that you don’t do it, when you love destruction in all forms?
Is it not an oxymoron?
You want to destroy everything but…
I tell you why?
Because they will go against you, against you yourself and you fear they could damage or burn down some of the things you have stolen in your greed.
Other people’s stuff you like to destroy (or being destroyed), but you don’t want anyone to destry yours!

Keep it in mind for the next Olympic games, if you have the guts (you don’t have).
One thing I know if you truly would do it; the athletes may not have a Stadium or the other facilities anymore for the games because they will be burned to the ground.
Possibly even some of the camps for the athletes or apartments, wherever they stay would be damaged…
The only way to protect the games then, would be by so many police and army troops that there will be no space for visitors left anymore.
At the end the atmosphere of the games would be possibly like in a graveyard.
As you are Caspar Milquetoast, you are too afraid to go against the Muslims, and that shows clearly what a weak clown the one whom you worship, the devil truly is.

If you are a Muslim, don’t be offended by my words.
I know nice and nasty Muslims as I know nice and nasty Christians, or those who claim to be the one or the other – there is not much a difference to the nice and nasty non believers.
But I need to say, from a neutral perspective you see clearly, Islam is not a religion but a political system in a religious costume that seeks world dominance. Just like Communism, Marxism, Capitalism and whatever. And all for the benefit for a few self appointed wicked leaders with an army of obedient deceived slaves.
I hope and pray you will find Yeshua, the way, the truth and life, find true freedom and get saved by grace and receive the gift of eternal life in heaven.

And for you who plan and also those who perform in such opening ceremonies, you better repent (I am not talking about the athletes who join).
You use biblical themes and symbolism to create perverted shows, so you do better to use the biblical view of true repentance literally in sackcloth and ashes.
But even with that you are too afraid, you could loo se some or many friends, some of the wicked people you gained throughout the years, and most of you don’t want to turn from your evil ways anyway.
If you ever cleaned ashes from a chimney you may know how much it sticks on the hands – or anywhere on the body.
So if you pour them over your head in full measure it will remind you, as a reflection of what is truly inside your own brain or your head.
Get that rubbish out of your brain and fill it with he truth of scripture.

For now you laugh against Yeshua, against YHWH, the most high, but one day you will stand before Him and this will be the end of your mockery and laughter.
You are afraid to blaspheme Islam, but you should be more afraid to say anything against Yeshua, or even if you use the name Jesus or whatever translation in whatever language in vain or in blasphemy.
One day, this is for certain, you will stand before Him and give account of what you did, or didn’t do.
I guess most of you know it somehow but you reject it with your depraved minds.
Without repentance you will not poop in your pants but it will come up all the way and stick in your mouth that will stop you from saying anything when standing before the Lord.
But on that day it will be too late to repent and ask for forgiveness for your sins.
You can only repent while you are alive.
If not, eternal damnation with indescribable torment is waiting for you.

I know you don’t like me, but there is nothing you can do against me, because I don’t fear you; the only one I fear is Yeshua, Yah, Adonai Elohai, the Elohim of Avraham, Yzchak and Yaacov.
You might be able to censor this message, or the last thing to kill my body, but then you are not able to do anything anymore.

I hope you repent, turn from your wicked ways and ask Yeshua to come into your hearts and receive forgiveness and the free gift of eternal salvation.

And for all, remember, God, the LORD most high is not mocked, for what a man sows he will reap.
And for the disciples, don’t get angry against those who speak blasphemy against you and your Lord and King.
They went against Yeshua, so, don’t wonder if they go against you.
Go, read Psalm 2 and laugh against those wicked deceived people with Adonai.
Though the ones I point to in this message is a bit a different group, but the principal is the same.
Human anger is like cancer, but true holy laughter is a great medicine that heals almost all wounds.

End of Message

Well, that’s all I wanted to say.
On such a subject those with the gift of talking surely can continue for hours, but this is not really my gift, nor my passion… long enough to talk about such blasphemy.

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