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Message 2023/11 From 9/11 to 11/11

From 9/11 to 11/11 @ 11:11 Message 2023/11

…how nasty, yesterday I recorded this message but the audio got spoiled – have no idea what happened.
No difference to all the recordings before.
Sounded like this… (you can hear it in the video)
another message today, possibly the only one this month, except something special comes up – we never know.
Things in this world are meanwhile less predictable than the weather for next year or two.
If the nukes start flying, then I am not sure if I will come up with anything anymore – but as long there is a little light left, I will continue.
Last month has been full with messages, so a bit more relaxed now.Message 2023-11


However, after the hell festival (the one with the pumpkin face) now another occult day is around the corner.
Eleven Eleven.
If you have watched my channel or website for a while, you may have noticed that I had two words about 2 months ago.
The one was of a vision in the middle of the night showed 9/11 and the other is about 11:11

Now, is there something confirming this words, maybe to be prophetic?
The one question remain somehow open.
The 9/11 vision passed with the 22nd anniversary of that well known event and did we had another 9/11 this year?
Not that I know or heard of anything in America – yet I don’t look into news very much.

I heard some people who claimed, the attack of the Hamas into Israel was some sort of a 9/11 operation – and not what is claimed to be.
And indeed a border where no mouse can pass without being monitored, it is very strange what happened there .
Some people claim that the Mossad was also involved in the original 9/11 twin tower thing – but I’ll leave it up to Yeshua, He knows each and every person behind it in detail and also knows all the pawns that got fooled there.

Any by the way, about crossing borders I have a cute story.
I have a friend from Ireland who was, once some years ago, I think in Estonia and there he thought as he is already so close at the border to go over to Russia.
So he went there and the border control asked him something like:
What are you here for?
Now he with his certain slang said: ″I am a Teourist″.
The Russians surely not so familiar with some English dialects then asked him a ″few″ more questions.
Okay, he could manage to explain that he is a tourist, just want to go over for a short trip.

Back to Israel with the Hamas – and the Gaza border…
They had it even easier to enter Israel than like Tourists which I guess was for most of them somehow a big surprise.
Some surely have known it, maybe the secret agents or whoever…
To walk through the fence like going into the neighbors chicken farm without being disturbed for about 7 hours was surely nothing that most of them would have expected.
If all of them would have known that they could walk so easily over from Gaza to Israel, it would have ended up differently and of course they would have been better prepared.
But so now Israel found a reason to flatten Gaza, wipe it off the map, just the other way around as the Hamas like to do with Israel…
And the world watch the scene and the Lamestream liars surely play their propaganda role, according to their ″sponsor’s″ requests.
Well, I don’t go into the details here, because that’s another can of worms and not the center of my message today.

The only thing is:
If this event in Israel was or still is indeed a 9/11 type operation, then the vision I had includes some significant meaning and prophetic implication.
And if I receive one day another vision like this, maybe I should ask harder in prayer for guidance of more insight and also what to do.
To say that I need to mention, I have hardly at all an open visions, so next time I might be more aware – but who can guess what is happening.

Now 11:11
That message I posted on September 21st, so nearly 2 months ago.
It happened that I have seen a lot of 11:11 the popped up here and there, and also some single eleven’s and was wondering if this is prophetic or not.
For details you can read it on your own.
Link to the 11:11 message

Link to the 9/11 vision

But again, 11:11 is also a high occult holiday.
Not sure if it is in all countries but at least in some (that I know).
Not only the double 11:11 with the month and day but you can add another 11:11:11 for the hour and the minute and even the second.

For all who have a personal relationship with Yeshua please pray against the dark powers in the heavenly realm will be pushed back – regarding 11:11 (and surely all other occult festivals) .
We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but we are in a big battle.
The closer it comes to the end of this age, the harder the battle.

But about a prophetic significance:
As I switched on the computer yesterday to prepare this message my eyes turned to the time stamp, where I usually don’t pay so much attention, because I usually don’t have specific schedules, but this time it displayed 11:11 (see the screenshot (part of the screen that shows the time stamp)).
I am sure this is not a coincidence, because there is more, which I will show you.

Yet it was somehow silly indeed, because the 8th was raining all day long and I could not do anything in the garden. When today it was sunny and so the message is a bit delayed (still in time before 11:11)

screen start message 11-11 time

When I posted this message on September 21st, I said, I am not sure if this prophetic or not.
Then I received two responses about that message by email:
One came in on just a day later on the 22nd the other on the 25th.
So the first email, that person said/ wrote this:

Just a few days ago I found a video of yours pop up which said “arrived” so I followed it and was catching up on listening to your videos. Earlier today I was looking to watch a totally different video of yours and for no reason that I could work out, it would not let me access it and it went straight to the 11:11 video.

So I thought OK let me watch it. Here is your confirmation. You cannot make this up, it was Holy Spirit led. The time stamp is so small that I would never have noticed it but something prompted me to look at the time, it was 11:11 as I started watching the video. See screen shot below.

So here’s the Screenshot

11-11 phone-a

Actually I would not even know how to make a screenshot on a phone – on a normal computer I know.
But okay these smarty phones are not my world, because I don’t need it.

So then another email, came in on the 25th here the words:
Oh my goodness, its so funny how you started off saying that 11:11 was not really a prophetic word, well God just showed you it very much is !!!

I’m sure you have made the connection already, as look at the very text you commented on in your email to me before- Numbers 22:2 and God has used the very content of that text in the prophetic word He gave you for “Nothing to worry, the end is near”
Very prophetic in fact.
Look at how its arranged in the KJV (online) Look at the verse number where the sub heading of the story begins: Numbers 22:22

22 And God’s anger was kindled because he went: and the angel of the LORD stood in the way for an adversary against him. Now he was riding upon his ass, and his two servants were with him…….
I was on my way to see my mum earlier on today and just as I got to the train station I missed the train, so I checked to see what the time was- no kidding it was 11:11 and that is the time I saw your video “Nothing to worry, the end is near”

11-11 phone-b

So far the responses via emails.
And additionally you need to keep in mind that only a few people have my email address.
For those who want to contact me via my website, good luck to get through the filter that is set to avoid all the incoming trash – and then more luck if I will reply.

Actually I did make the connection with the 11:11, but I will not go into the details on that – will be too extensive.

Actually, if I would get as many responses on my videos as much as I receive spam mails, and then respond to each of them – uuuuh, that would consume all my spare time.
It’s now off topic, but I just want to say this. I am almost certain that the secret services and similar criminals are behind a lot of spam mails – and I sense this from the very beginning when I started to join somewhere around 1998 or so.
If someone downloads an unmarked illegal video for example, even by using Tor and whatever ways of so-called safety software to hide the privacy, then the secret services know exactly when, what and who is behind it… Or perhaps the Gestapo stands 10 minutes later at the door for some sort of ″investigation″.
But try to ask them that they shall find those illegal spammers that floods your mailbox – the only answer you may get, that these spammers using such sophisticated methods that leave no trace and so on, blah blah blah.
They are liars, nothing but liars and I don’t say this lightly.

Or in a nutshell, if you ask the frogs to drain the swamp, what answer do you expect?

However, back to 11:11 and the email.
Watching a video the end is near at the train station is by the way very interesting.
I was thinking about a station where the train ends, indeed nothing to worry, if this would be on 11:11 – in a few days.

Actually I hope or wish, but don’t think this is the day we will fly home, though I am ready at any time and the sooner the better.
But until this will come or we go home in one way or the other, let’s work on the Kingdom of Elohim, which is more important.
I will do personally what I am gifted to do and I encourage you to do the same.
You will not hear me with deep teachings of bible studies, this is not my thing – yes, I share here and there some thoughts about different things, even scriptural, but I don’t label them to be teachings because that’s not my gift!
But I can pray…
and… ask the Master of the harvest to send more laborers into the harvest, that many souls will find eternal salvation.
I pray that Israelis and Palestinians will find the real truth, as well Ukrainians and Russians and all other tribes and tongues in this world.
I don’t pray for AI or humanoids or whatever half men, half machine-people because they can’t be saved .
Yeshua did not pour out His precious blood for them, nor for the devil and his fallen angels.

I pray, when the devil send out his servants on 11:11 that the Lord Yeshua to limit their permission to kill, steal and destroy – too much hate from the devil.
Too much destruction already happening.
Yes, Ukraine is almost forgotten because Israel filling now all the headlines.
Many conflicts of tribes in Africa, Latin and south America, Asia or let’s say violence, aka Chamas, literally everywhere now, even on roads.
Everything seem to be forgotten, but we shall not forget the genocide of the war with the needles and arms, the bioweapon, which still goes on to some extend, or they want to bring it back.
And of course those behind all of it, the war of the super-wealthy against the rest of the worlds population with the biggest criminals that you find… in politics, government, Banksters, all the non-elected powerplayers, big tech and big Pharma the MIC, and many more servants of the devil.

However, one day, when the last grain of sand is down the clock, and Yeshua will pour out His wrath.
It will be a relative short season of total darkness, the world has never seen before.

So t he best is to cling to Yeshua, the light of the world, the hope and resurrection, life eternal.
Regardless how many elevens, 9/11 or eleven-elevens are coming, Yeshua is coming back one day soon as well.
That will surely not be a year 2111 – because this world will not make it another 100 years or at least not humanity with all poisoning and corruption.
And if so, then only the ones who promote the phrase you own nothing and be happy will be around, while they themselves will own everything but never be happy.
Or they will become slaves of their own AI idea.
And indeed, greed can anyway never become happy, never ever in all eternity.
The year 2222 might be somewhere in the millennial reign but it could be possible that Yeshua will restore the original time, and then, who knows, whatever year that will be.

By that time there will be no more fake rigged elections but He will rule and reign as King with a rod of iron.
I don’t put my trust in men.
I vote for Him and Him alone.
What are you voting for?
MAGA? Or whatever nonsense?

How soon He will take His bride I can’t say, and I don’t care if it will be on a 11:11 or another eleven or not a eleven, but just another day.
There will be great joy for those who have a personal relationship with Him, greater than we can imagine.
And if you have not yet invited Yeshua into your heart to be your Lord and Savior, don’t wait til tomorrow because we don’t know what tomorrow will bring.
Today is the day of salvation and to be born again and to be signed into the book of life to have eternal life.

Links to the Videos on different Platforms – you can decide which one you prefer:


Or watch it directly here on Rumble