Word 2023-08-29 The calm before the storm – REPENT!

Word 2023-08-29 The calm before the storm – REPENT!

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-08-29 21:30 Note: As I was writing the word I fell asleep (not the first time), but the pen woke me up A bit uncomfortable to sleep on the pen. This time I did not made a note when this happened, not to distract too much. It is a relative...
Word 2023-07-20 Philosophy, Putin, NATO and Truth

Word 2023-07-20 Philosophy, Putin, NATO and Truth

Prophetic Word 2023-07-20 ~7:00pm/ 8:00pm Note: When I received the word, I didn’t write it down immediately, but it came back about an hour later (then I wrote it down). The reason I didn’t wrote it down right away was because everything was not good...
Word 2023-03-30 Forever is Forever – Israel/ Repent

Word 2023-03-30 Forever is Forever – Israel/ Repent

Prophetic word received on 2023-03-30 around 6:30pm while cooking Note: Before you read or listen, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this word for wisdom and deeper understanding. Please consider that some of the verses can have an offset, depending on...
Dream 2022-12-08 Animals, Aliens, Last (lost) Generation

Dream 2022-12-08 Animals, Aliens, Last (lost) Generation

Wild animals, Aliens and the Last (lost) Generation, Dream, recorded on 2022-12-08 at 6:47 (file date) Note: The dream contains of 3 scenes that don’t seem to have a connection and even sound a bit confusing. But there is a relatively clear message in the dream....
Word  2022-09-26  Tree of knowledge will fall

Word 2022-09-26 Tree of knowledge will fall

Prophetic Word, given 2022/09/26 around 7:00am Note: Guess you will recognize which group will be addressed. But in any case, please make sure you ask the Holy Spirit to give you deeper understanding into this word. Beginning of Prophecy: Year after year your...