Message 2024/01 What about 2024

Message 2024/01 What about 2024

Message 01 Year 2024 (Month 01) I might be a bit late… or maybe not… my first message on the Secular or Gregorian Year 2024. Amazing how quickly 2023 have rushed by, may you agree with that, but at least for me (mostly). And my perspective for 2024? READ...
Message 2023/10c Israel, Gaza and EU-Hypocrisy

Message 2023/10c Israel, Gaza and EU-Hypocrisy

A test balloon? Note: I had actually another subject in mind, or thinking, to put all of them together in one message. But I may separate it or else it might get a bit long. Will surely see then, how many will watch this one and how many the other message – depending...
Vision 2023-01-09 The stars of the EU

Vision 2023-01-09 The stars of the EU

Prophetic Vision, seen on 2023-01-09 around 10am Note: As this is a spiritual vision, I ask you to pray that the Holy Spirit will give you wisdom and understanding, especially when it comes to interpretation. I did not receive any interpretation about it yet....
The woman riding the bull, will topple

The woman riding the bull, will topple

Prophecy with Drums: The golden calf grew into the bull where the woman now is riding. Soon she will topple and Babylon will get in trouble. A shaking and a quaking will come – Big earthquakes. Links to the Videos on different Platforms – you can decide which...
Word 2022-01-03 United Kingdoms – Gods Kingdom

Word 2022-01-03 United Kingdoms – Gods Kingdom

Prophetic Word 2022-01-03 5:30am (after a dream) It starts with the word United Kingdom which I understood as what we simply say England. And this might be somehow connected with the dream – but I have no insight on that. Here on the website I will post the whole...