Word 2023-04-28 My thunder My voice and My Spirit

Word 2023-04-28 My thunder My voice and My Spirit

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-04-28 around 6:30pm Note: I will keep this prophecy for a while at a wrong date so it sits on the frontpage or else it will be a long way in the background! I was standing at the door, looking outside the dark clouds and heard a thunder....
Word 2023-08-29 The calm before the storm – REPENT!

Word 2023-08-29 The calm before the storm – REPENT!

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-08-29 21:30 Note: As I was writing the word I fell asleep (not the first time), but the pen woke me up A bit uncomfortable to sleep on the pen. This time I did not made a note when this happened, not to distract too much. It is a relative...
Word 2023-07-10 The hands of Adonai (YHWH / Yeshua)

Word 2023-07-10 The hands of Adonai (YHWH / Yeshua)

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-07-10 12:20 (noon) while sailing somewhere south of Greece Note: I started writing a part of it but then after a little while the sea became very choppy with strong winds that I could not continue anymore. But later when the wind and...
Word 2023-04-12 The big BUT and the commandments

Word 2023-04-12 The big BUT and the commandments

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-04-12 2:30am Note: Actually I could not sleep anymore maybe at 2 o’clock and went to worship and pray a bit. Then the Holy Spirit started to talk to me. Usually when writing something in that time at night, I would fall asleep...