Word 2022-09-17 Climate change is real

Word 2022-09-17 Climate change is real

Prophetic word, given on 2022-09-17 8:00am in the kitchen Note: As always please ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this prophecy. Beginning of prophecy: Climate change… is real. Climate propaganda is also real. Between each of those two there is...
Word 2022-08-28 Suddenly, Surprises and Trump

Word 2022-08-28 Suddenly, Surprises and Trump

Prophetic Word, given on 2022-08-28 around 9:30pm Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit prayerfully to lead and guide you through this word. Beginning of Prophecy: Suddenly. The suddenly of the suddenlies with the sudden death of the sudden lies. People are waiting for...