by Klaus | Jan 21, 2022 | Words
Prophetic word, received at night around 2:50am on January the 21st 2022. Note: Make sure you ask the Holy Spirit to give you more understanding of this word. As usually prophecy hides a lot of words between the lines. With the Lords help you will be able to read it...
by Klaus | Jan 19, 2022 | Words
Prophetic Word 2022-01-19 16:45 (-20:45) That word kept dropping in over a period of 4 hours Note: In midst these words I received in the Spirit much more details but have no clue how to describe or word it. As this word does not appear for me so easy please ask the...
by Klaus | Jan 18, 2022 | Prophetic Poetry
Poetic Prophecy received on January the 18th 2022 at 10:22 (on the 24 hours clock 22:22) Note: For the interpretation of the metaphorical elements, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you. The Ring of fire on fire is all their desire But the ring of CERN is the one...
by Klaus | Jan 16, 2022 | Words
Prophetic Word, received on January the 16th 2022 around 10pm Note: With all the metaphors I advice you to listen carefully and let the Holy Spirit give you the wisdom, discernment, understanding and interpretation. Hear the rattle snake when I shake the rattle. It...
by Klaus | Jan 14, 2022 | Words
Prophetic word received on January 14th 2022 at 20:15 during Shabat worship. Tomorrow I will do a new thing. And then you won’t see you family anymore, but a family that I will give you. Praise and worship (Me) until I come. And I am coming soon. Hold on to your...