Word 2024/07/20, Politics, Corruption and Crime

Word 2024/07/20, Politics, Corruption and Crime

Prophetic Word, given on 2024-07-20 around 9AM Note: As it contains a bunch of metaphors and figurative elements, as always, make sure through prayer, the Holy Spirit lead and guide you in wisdom to show all the precious pearls with the full understanding and avoid...
Word 2024/02/16 Israel – fighting hell

Word 2024/02/16 Israel – fighting hell

Prophetic Word received on 2024-02-16 ~ 11:00 AM Note: This is entirely addressed to Israel, specifically physical Israel, not the spiritual Israel and more detailed those who rule that nation, basically the government and the religious leaders, and perhaps those in...
Word 2023/11/24 At the end of the day

Word 2023/11/24 At the end of the day

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-11-24 around 8:00pm Note: First of all I want to thank those who have been supporting me in prayer and also a few with donations. I don’t take it for granted but don’t like to make a big fuss or long sermon out of it, like...