Home 9 Words 9 Word 2024/01/06 It’s coming and it’s coming fast // A violent Storm

Word 2024/01/06 It’s coming and it’s coming fast // A violent Storm

Prophecy, given on 2024-01-06 ~8:40pm.

The word contains a few personal things, but they are important and not only for me.
I will explain more details at the bottom.

But now before you listen, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you for wisdom and the full understanding of this word in all parables and metaphors.

Beginning of Prophecy:

Do you see My son?
It’s coming and it’s coming fast.
Things will change, things will shift while the most people are asleep.

Like the storm that hit you on the ocean it will come, it will be.
No forecast mentioned of a severe storm.
If I would have not been with you, you would not walk on earth anymore, but your time has not yet come.
But you cried to Me with a honest heart.
Though in your desperation you had great doubt that I was with you, but the little faith you had was enough for Me to keep you in My arms and guide you in midst the storm all the way through to the shelter of My wings.

How many people truly cry to me in their desperation?
T he next storm will come.
Just shortly after a moment, when everything calmed down.

That storm will grow and grow and grow and grow to a point that many people will lose hope.
Many will try to hang on to their possessions, to their money, wealth, education, ideology and even to their religion.
But the waves will splash over board and wash all things, that had value in this world away.

The storm will not cease but increase and with it carry a disease.
Not an ordinary sickness, but a diabolic inspired lie, a seed of destruction.
There are two roots of this disease.
The one is the love of money and the other is sin.

And there are only two ways to get healed.
The one is by repentance and the cry for forgiveness like the man who hung beside Me on the cross, and the other is My blood poured out there for all mankind.

Those, who truly cry to Me in their distress, I will hear and heal them.
But those who only cry to Me in order to find relief, so that they can continue to wallow in their vomit and sin, I will not hear anymore.
So often in the past I had compassion and mercy with such people, hoping they finally will soften their hearts and start walking on the narrow path that leads to life.

But now there is no more time to play with sin.
I am very merciful, but like to Pharaoh I don’t give endless opportunities to repent and return to Me.
Many have denied Me and hardened their hearts even more than 10 times in their life, when I called them in My love, but they never changed and even some of the mocked My Holy Spirit to the depth of their soul.
I have handed them already over to their final destruction where their depraved mind will find their desired eternal ″pleasure″.

All those who cry to Me with a honest heart will find shelter while the storm continues to grow.
21+21 weeks of distress and calamities, yet for My children on the other hand will be no limits of grace and miracles.
I will position My beloved ones where I need them.
Even if the wicked global players try to shut down and reset the entire world for their own benefits, they will not be able to stop the move of My Spirit and My children.

They could not do it with My disciples 2000 years ago and will not be able to do it in these last days before everything will crumble down.
If I need a certain disciple on a specific location for a specific task, I will bring him there.
I brought Moshe in front of Pharaoh where everyone else would have been executed even before he would have seen him, and Philip I carried to the desert place to meet the Ethiopian official.
So it is a little thing for Me to do it again, and most stories like them were even never recorded in history books.

The devil with his demons and his servants try to do everything to stop the coming move of My Spirit.
But every damage He cause to My beloved sons and daughters he has to repay back 7 times quickly.
There will not be a long waiting like for righteous Job anymore to get things that have been stolen restored and refunded.
Yes, billions will fall on the left and the right but those who are Mine will not be touched.

Earthquakes in regions never seen before, physical and spiritual.
Thunderstorm and hail where scientists will start to say, like the magicians of Pharaoh: this is not geoengineering or even not climate change, but this is the hand of the living God.

Yet all the Pharaohs of this world will still continue to hold on to their ideology and blame people, especially My children as the cause for all the disasters, when indeed it is their own sin and their hardened hearts.

It was not an accident that I stopped you in that place after the storm for a week, even when the repairs were done within a day.
My prophet Daniel spoke about weeks.
Remember, when the storm ended.
It ended for you, but continued for others, while I led you into the green pastures – and so the coming storm will be.

I am about to do it again in across the entire world.
Disasters and calamity and a storm with weeping may stay for the night, but joy comes in the morning.
And this final joy will last.
It will last for those who love Me and keep My commandments – and their joy will by My joy that is eternal.

End of Prophecy

Links to the Videos on different Platforms – you can decide which one you prefer:


Or watch it directly here on Rumble

Now the few things to explain.
On my sailing journey last year, one day, where I was actually sailing through the night where I had stupid high swells, but very early morning the wind and waves calmed down to zero.
I was glad after a very choppy busy night to get some relief.
But then just a few minutes after the calm a wind approached – actually from the south.
First it was manageable, but it increased to a level where I truly cried out and questioned if Yeshua is still with me.
With the Genoa, the foresail ripped off the mast my little engine had to bring me 5,5 hours through a real storm.
The speed of the storm was about 53/54 knots, which is around 60 mph or 100Km/h.
And the waves were of about 2-3 meters.
Some people of the town where I ended could not believe that I survived as they knew about that storm.

Now just try to translate it into a spiritual or economic storm or something what will come in the world.
Just as a parable, Society and economy is just a small boat like I have in the horrific ideology of wicked globalists who wants to destroy the majority of mankind – and they say it even in plain sight.
When I consider as I heard from a friend, the country (I escaped), implemented again mandatory Covid tests at least currently for health sector and elderly homes and the propaganda pressure for the deadly injections again on every corner.
But it is possibly a sign of the next storm?

I found shelter and there I needed to wait a week until I could repair the bracket on top of the mast.
It was actually not too bad that week of waiting – maybe a bit annoying as patience is not my favorite exercise.