Message: “HELL… is a real place”

Message: “HELL… is a real place” I’m sure you’ve heard of it. Even in every day language. “Oh, that was really hell !” or, “She went through hell with him.” When anyone goes through a difficult, dangerous or...

Word 2021-12-14 Who will stand before YHWH

Prophetic Word, given December the 14th 2021 around 3:45 in the morning (night). Who will (be able to) stand before Me? Not many! Most people will fail before Me. They will kneel and beg for mercy. But I will say: ″NO″! If you beat other people with a rod (or...

Word 2021-12-03 Two Rivers, death and life

Prophetic word, received on December the 3rd 2021 around 6pm during Erev Shabat worship. Note: As this word is mostly metaphorical (yet not too complicated to understand). But in any case, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this word There are two...