Word 2022-10-24 The days of Noach and the rain/ reign

Word 2022-10-24 The days of Noach and the rain/ reign

Prophetic word, received on 2022-10-24 around 21:00 Note: I advice as always to ask the Holy Spirit prayerfully to lead and guide you through this word to give you the full meaning and understanding, especially if something is a bit unclear. A bit a silly thing is the...
Yom Truah/ Rosh HaShanah (Message 09/2022)

Yom Truah/ Rosh HaShanah (Message 09/2022)

Message 09/2022 Yom Truah/ Rosh HaShanah Most people focus only on Rosh HaShanah but forget Yom Truah (also transscribed as Yom T’ruah or Yom Teruah). The funny thing is, that Rosh HaShanah is not a scriptural feast, or in other words: it does not exist in...
Word 2022-08-16 The Earth is passing away / OSAS…?

Word 2022-08-16 The Earth is passing away / OSAS…?

Prophetic word, given on 2022-08-16, around 9pm after a time of personal worship. Note: As always, please ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this word, especially with the metaphorical and figurative elements. And when it speaks about I, Me, My, Mine,...
Word 2022-08-03 Money transfer and Israel

Word 2022-08-03 Money transfer and Israel

Prophetic word, given 2022-08-03 early morning + evening Note: A lot of this word was given visually and it is very ugly. So listen careful and ask the Holy Spirit for details and more understanding, especially to understand to visual parts, that I tried to describe...