Dream 2022-04-30  After the rapture

Dream 2022-04-30 After the rapture

Prophetic dream April 30th 2022 (unknown time, but towards the morning) Note: Please keep in mind, to ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this dream. Also consider that there is no timeline given, when it might happen. As the dream that is very symbolic...
Word 2022-04-02 Two people many directions

Word 2022-04-02 Two people many directions

Prophetic Word 2022-04-02 3:20 (it was partially given in German language, but I will not write that down here.) A couple of infos of other things, words, dreams before the prophecy: 1. The graphic card of the Computer died (somehow not completely but became more or...
Word 2022-02-18 system change good or bad

Word 2022-02-18 system change good or bad

Prophetic Word, received on February the 18th 2022 around 8:30pm during Shabat worship. There will be a change. A change in the system. Will it be better? Will it be worse? …depends on the viewpoint Sometimes rain is good, sometimes not. In season, out of season...
Word 2022-02-03 Putin’s decision for Yes or No

Word 2022-02-03 Putin’s decision for Yes or No

Prophetic word, received on February the 3rd 2022 around 1pm Note: I received this word right after I came home from the beach (where I go for exercises). Not very likely that I was influenced at that moment by political thoughts. Vladimir: Do you want to be a star in...

The sudden change – everything in an instant

Just another drum session with Bindernowski We know how wicked men changed the known world in almost no time… I know here where I “stuck” since 2 years. It was one of the most peaceful nice countries in the world And in no time it turned into a...