Message 2024/08 Superstition and Suspicion

Message 2024/08 Superstition and Suspicion

Message 2024/08 Month 04 Note: To see all the images, please watch the attached video (coming soon), I include here only a few. Well, this is old stuff (what I am talking about), everyone already know that the sky and so we are being poisoned The country with the...
Message 2024/05 All the ″wondrous″ stripes

Message 2024/05 All the ″wondrous″ stripes

Message 05 Month 03 2024 All the ″wondrous″ stripes (in the sky) Boker Tov, Guten Morgen, God morgon, Bonjour, Dobroe utro… Good morning sky. May you are all familiar with such a view outside when you wake up or at least when you look up. READ MORE Except if...

Word 2022-03-09 Closing door, Reaper and Gods house

Prophetic word from March the 9th 2022 at around 3:50am. Note: The first7-8 sentences are not in the message. I simply didn’t want to write them down and was somehow not yet fully awake, though they were very clear. But the first missing passage addressing...

Word 2021-12-17 Flying & the Fear of YHWH

Prophetic word, received on December the 17th 2021, about quarter past 8 in the evening during Worship on Erev Shabat. Flying… …is flying Who is flying? Many will be flying! Some will be flying out of their offices. Some will fly to joy, others to sorrow....