Message 2024/01 What about 2024

Message 2024/01 What about 2024

Message 01 Year 2024 (Month 01) I might be a bit late… or maybe not… my first message on the Secular or Gregorian Year 2024. Amazing how quickly 2023 have rushed by, may you agree with that, but at least for me (mostly). And my perspective for 2024? READ...
Word 2023-10-02 Alert, warning, emergency test for October 04

Word 2023-10-02 Alert, warning, emergency test for October 04

Alert test, warning for October 04, Prophecy, given on Word 2023-10-02 10:30pm Note: I heard about some sort of a test-run, emergency alert or whatever they name it on the 4th of October. Guess they might do it again another day. Some people give a warning to switch...
Message May 2022 – The real BIG Fools

Message May 2022 – The real BIG Fools

Message May 2022 It is written… about… the real BIG Fools In this message Bindernowski speaks about the real BIG BIG fools of this world. People who truly think they are better than the God of the Bible If you think like me, that is not according to the...
Mind Control

Mind Control

Complete Electronic Music by using only analogue synthesizer with some sort of human street-noises around (some people might call it conspiracy… time will tell) Title: Mind Control (Lyrics at the very bottom) First is only audio for slow internet: Video with...