Word 2024/07/29 It’s not for you

Word 2024/07/29 It’s not for you

Prophetic Word, given on 2024-07-29 at night around 0:05 Note: Actually I received initially a short 4-word sentence and then was a pause for some 20 minutes or half an hour, during I was praying what it could mean, and came to the conclusion this is personal, which I...
Word 2022-06-25 Pinstriped blaspheming fools

Word 2022-06-25 Pinstriped blaspheming fools

Prophetic Word, given on June 25th around 7:40 in the morning Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and understanding especially with the elements that are metaphorical or figuratively. Also a disclaimer: when the word speaks about I, Me, My, Mine it is not from...

Word 2021-12-28 darkness light and go to harvest

Prophetic Word, received on December 28th 2021 around 1pm. More plans, more evil, more darkness. More glory, more truth, more light. The tipping point has passed. The waves of the ocean are breaking. And those under the waves will drown. Even those on their surfboards...

Word 2021-12-19 Days of Biden numbered, no weight

Prophetic Word, December 19th 2021 around 23:20 Biden, your days are numbered. I weighed Belshazzar and he was found to be too light, but you Joe don’t have any weight at all. Though you are not the one who you are but public recognize you as someone. For Me you...