Prophetic Word, given on June 25th around 7:40 in the morning
Please ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and understanding especially with the elements that are metaphorical or figuratively.
Also a disclaimer: when the word speaks about I, Me, My, Mine it is not from this goofball sitting on a couch but it is Yeshua through the Holy Spirit.
Beginning of Prophecy:
Oh you pinstriped fools.
You think you can escape from My wrath?
Hiding in deep underground bunkers, with the food you have stolen from the poor (people)?
By no means I will let you go away with your blasphemy.
You ask in your depraved minds:
Where have we blasphemed; whom did we blaspheme?
It is Me and My creation, and above all that My Holy Spirit, through those whom you persecute and murder, all those who are created in My image.
My Holy Spirit lives in them as you’ve made a mockery out of them and cursed them with your blasphemy.
Instead to stop it centuries and decades ago, you move deeper into your dark evil thoughts.
Not enough that you pour out your poison upon all of them like the showers in the well known concentration camps;
No, you design your own creations.
Creatures without a heart and soul.
Ruthless entities with absolute no empathy.
You think, to use them in the near future as a replacement for those whom you call useless eaters and unreliable human animals.
With blood on your hands one day soon you will stand before Me.
As Pilate tried to wash it away when the mob and the religious elite in their pinstriped Talit’s
were shouting ″crucify, crucify, crucify Him!″
Three times in a row, over and over again.
One addressed to My Father in Heaven, One to Me, and One to My Holy Spirit.
But I will not shed My blood again, because I don’t need.
My Blood was and still is sufficient enough to cover all sin for all mankind.
But this time I will send you over to the destroyer, to the one who will wash away the blood of all the innocent people you have on your hands.
The blood from the unborn up til the oldest.
He will wash it away with fire and sulfur.
And as soon it is washed away, you will think about Me and come to Me and blaspheme again saying:
″You are a liar″,
while pointing your hands towards Me.
Full of pride you will turn your hands back to your selfishness and look at it.
Before you can open your mouth and say ″I am clean, there is no blood on my hands″, your eyes will see torrents of blood flooding down your hands.
In arrogance you will then turn back to your friend the destroyer, claiming he has not done a proper job.
With a smirk on the destroyers face, he joyfully again will pour fire and sulfur upon your hands to let them appear as they were clean and pure.
Even lying to you, there is no blood of the innocent on your hands.
This loop will never end.
Yet every time your hands get washed the burning of the fire will get hotter and the sulfur more aggressive.
But your blasphemy, pride and arrogance will also intensify.
You will remember what I told you in my Word over and over again through My disciples, preachers and prophets.
They told you that My blood is the only way that can wash the blood of your murder away.
My blood is the only blood that can wash all sins away and I will be able to cleanse your hearts from every evil filth.
But you refused to accept My free offer.
No, worse, you took it as an excuse to go even harder against My children, like you did in Egypt.
So now is the time that I will harden your hearts as I did to Pharaoh until he drowned in the ocean of his own sin.
It’s now!
Now, it’s now!
And to those shepherds who don’t warn their flock which I have given them, will face the same.
Warn your sheep to prepare and brace themselves (in Me) for the wrath that is to be poured out.
Tell them to prepare their hearts and stop playing with sin.
Warn them over and over again, lest I will send them to the destroyer.
Their blood I will require from you if you don’t obey and warn them.
If you have warned them but they don’t repent and turn away from lawlessness, their blood will remain upon them and you will be pure.
The night is close at the door where no men can work anymore.
Lawlessness you see increasing.
But this is nothing compared to the day when the restrainer will be taken away (in one moment).
Like a nuclear explosion of insanity and madness it will increase from that day on.
A world without light and love will remain.
Do what I told you to do.
Who made you the guard over other shepherds?
I am the only good shepherd to guard the shepherds.
Am I not able to speak to all My people anymore?
I can speak to little babies and toddlers and they hear My voice.
Why did you made your ears fat and filled it with vanity?
Cloaked with propaganda and lies of this world…
Cleanse your ears and listen to Me.
I have called you by My name and you should be mine.
Don’t try to please the world.
You cannot serve two masters.
If you want to hear ″I am well pleased with you″, then, do My works, the things I have equipped you with.
Use your talents I have given you and don’t try to operate with the talents or callings I have given to others.
No-one can replace you, nor can you replace anyone else.
I gave every person in this world a genuine unique calling, yet only a few are living fully in it.
Whether it is one, two, five or numerous talents, use those I gave you.
Whether you are wealthy or poor.
If you obey the words I have commanded you, you will not lack anything.
Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.
And indeed, Heaven is waiting for all of you My beloved children.
Don’t look too much with grief upon your mistakes.
I understand and know how the enemy tries to steal your joy and destiny.
Put your trust in Me, that I will bring you through.
Whether you suffer externally or internally, a lot or just a tiny bit doesn’t matter.
You will find your joy.
Look upon your final destiny.
Keep on standing on the rock of your salvation, so no-one will be able to take away your crown and your name will not be blotted out from the book of life.
Whether you come in the fullness of your service into My kingdom or by the skin of your teeth doesn’t matter.
I am waiting for you.
Don’t worry about anything as the flowers on the fields and the birds in the sky don’t worry.
Creation is crying for Me to return (louder and louder).
Let the Spirit and the Bride say ″Come″!
Will you join the cry, for Me to come?
Trust Me, I hear your cry, I hear when you shout, no matter if it is from your mouth or from your heart, deep within.
I will not hear anything from the pride, arrogant and ignorant.
But I hear hear every single word from those who humble themselves in righteousness and will not delay to answer.
Your time is in My hand!
End of Prophecy
Where it says crucify, literally it says more like this:
“Let Him be put to death on the stake”
But as it is figuratively at the end it is the same, that Yeshua was nailed on the stake/cross.
Matthew 27, 1-26
John 9:4
Matthew 24:12
Ezekiel 33:1-6
Matthew 6:24, Luke 16:13
Matthew 25:14-29
Matthew 5:3, Luke 6:20
Matthew 6:25-34
Exodus 32:33
Revelation 22:17
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