Message 2024/01 What about 2024

Message 2024/01 What about 2024

Message 01 Year 2024 (Month 01) I might be a bit late… or maybe not… my first message on the Secular or Gregorian Year 2024. Amazing how quickly 2023 have rushed by, may you agree with that, but at least for me (mostly). And my perspective for 2024? READ...
Word 2023/11/21 Lies, lies and more lies

Word 2023/11/21 Lies, lies and more lies

Prophetic Word, given 2023-11-21 around 1:00pm Note: Now before you listen or read this word, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this word for wisdom and full understanding (we prophecy in part). Beginning of Prophecy: Lies, lies and more lies...
Word/ Poetry 2023/11/16  Ze Virus and The Darkness

Word/ Poetry 2023/11/16 Ze Virus and The Darkness

Prophetic Poetry, given on 2023-11-16 around 7:30am Note: Before you read of listen, ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and understanding. As this is in a poetic form, the more so, because it contains a lot of metaphors and symbolism and sometimes even a double layer of...