Message 2024/05 All the ″wondrous″ stripes

Message 2024/05 All the ″wondrous″ stripes

Message 05 Month 03 2024 All the ″wondrous″ stripes (in the sky) Boker Tov, Guten Morgen, God morgon, Bonjour, Dobroe utro… Good morning sky. May you are all familiar with such a view outside when you wake up or at least when you look up. READ MORE Except if...
Message June 2022 – Shavuot 5782/ Pentecost 2022

Message June 2022 – Shavuot 5782/ Pentecost 2022

Message June 2022 with a dream included (the Preacher and the King Cobra) Shavuot What is Shavuot some may ask Well, the term Shavuot is not very common or, to most people in churchianity possibly more or less or even complete unknown. It is the feast that is at the...
Word 2022-05-30 Unknown ingredients in the Vaxx

Word 2022-05-30 Unknown ingredients in the Vaxx

Prophetic Word/ Vision, given on May the 30th around noon during a break from recording music, in the kitchen for a snack. Note: This is actually more a vision with some explanations. So you really need to ask the Holy Spirit for more details and understanding....