Dream 2023-01-24 Disturbing injection

Dream 2023-01-24 Disturbing injection

Dream or prophetic dream, of 2023-01-24 Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and understanding, especially in the interpretation. Beginning of the dream: I was going walking and spoke with some people and a group of people about if they are vaccinated...
Word 2022-10-06  What is the pope doing?

Word 2022-10-06 What is the pope doing?

Prophetic word, given on 2022-10-06 around 9pm while editing videos. Note: As always remember, when it speaks about I, Me, My, mine, it’s not this goofball on the couch but Yeshua through His Ruach HaKodesh. And yes, whatever your thoughts about this might be,...
Word 2013-08-05 The mark of the beast is coming

Word 2013-08-05 The mark of the beast is coming

Prophecy, given on August the 5th 2013 in the kitchen. Re-published June 2022 Note: Keep in mind, this was given in 2013 and read it in context of what happened since then, especially the last 2,5 years. There are some personal comments or thoughts I included back...
Word 2022-05-30 Unknown ingredients in the Vaxx

Word 2022-05-30 Unknown ingredients in the Vaxx

Prophetic Word/ Vision, given on May the 30th around noon during a break from recording music, in the kitchen for a snack. Note: This is actually more a vision with some explanations. So you really need to ask the Holy Spirit for more details and understanding....