Word 2024/03/02 Ukraine… continues / America

Word 2024/03/02 Ukraine… continues / America

Ukraine… The show must go on / America, S&G Note: Before you listen or read the word, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this word and to understand also all metaphorical elements. Beginning of Prophecy: Ukraine… will go on. Not that...
Word 2022-10-27 Protests are in the plan for changes

Word 2022-10-27 Protests are in the plan for changes

Prophetic Word, given on 2022-10-27 around 7pm while cooking Note: There was a bit an interruption, because someone came along while I wrote down the word, yet we had a good talk where he shared roughly some interesting information. The word may have become longer but...
Dream 2022-06-08 Deception and deceptive protection

Dream 2022-06-08 Deception and deceptive protection

Prophetic Dream on June the 8th 2022 Actually there was a serial of dreams that night, but this is only the part that I could remember Note: Interpretation after the dream. As prophecies (and as well dreams) can always have different levels of meaning… make sure...