Word 2025/02/12  AI deception and the ways of men

Word 2025/02/12 AI deception and the ways of men

Prophetic Word, given on 2025-02-12 around 9:00PM Note: As always, please ask prayerfully that the Holy Spirit will guide you through this word and give you wisdom and understanding in all metaphors, figurative elements and parables. Beginning of prophecy: When a man...
Word 2024/09/10 The good harvest and the rotten fruit

Word 2024/09/10 The good harvest and the rotten fruit

Prophetic word, given on 2024-09-10 around 9:00AM Note: It’s a very visual word, partially given as a vision, so I pray you may see as well what is speaks about. As there are a few things which can easily lead to misunderstanding, please ask the Holy Spirit to...
Word 2024/07/20, Politics, Corruption and Crime

Word 2024/07/20, Politics, Corruption and Crime

Prophetic Word, given on 2024-07-20 around 9AM Note: As it contains a bunch of metaphors and figurative elements, as always, make sure through prayer, the Holy Spirit lead and guide you in wisdom to show all the precious pearls with the full understanding and avoid...
Word 2024/07/02 Sacrifice and power

Word 2024/07/02 Sacrifice and power

Prophetic Word(s), given on 2024-07-02, somewhere in the evening, 6PM with a delay of at least half an hour between the first and the second word. Note: I know this word was personally for me and for a certain dear friend, but as I spoke with a brother about it, he...
Message 2024/13 Electric Mobility and Green Religion

Message 2024/13 Electric Mobility and Green Religion

Tried to make this message as short as I am able, and squeeze it into Month 5 of 2024. Most people already know all stupidness of the green religion with Pope Greta and Bill the farmer – some people may pronounce the ″oo″of the pope a bit longer and miss the e at the...