Word 2025/01/24  Many gods and the purge

Word 2025/01/24 Many gods and the purge

Prophetic Word, given on 2025-01-24 (4:00AM) Note: This one is a bit less cryptic than the last one. Please ask prayerfully that the Holy Spirit will guide you through this word and give you wisdom and understanding in all metaphors, figurative elements and parables....
Message 2024/08 Superstition and Suspicion

Message 2024/08 Superstition and Suspicion

Message 2024/08 Month 04 Note: To see all the images, please watch the attached video (coming soon), I include here only a few. Well, this is old stuff (what I am talking about), everyone already know that the sky and so we are being poisoned The country with the...
Word 2023-09-18 Time is up, Worship of good or evil, Repent

Word 2023-09-18 Time is up, Worship of good or evil, Repent

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-09-18 around 6:30am Note This word jumps back and forth between two groups of people. So listen carefully of who is addressed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this word for wisdom and understanding, especially with...
Word 2022-11-30 The Stench of Sin – overflowing

Word 2022-11-30 The Stench of Sin – overflowing

Prophetic Word, given on 2022-11-30 around 10:00pm Note: Keep in mind, it is also full with metaphors, so just ask prayerfully the Holy Spirit and He will give you wisdom and understanding. Beginning of Prophecy: The fart goes out and people say it stinks. There is...
Word 2022-08-19 Little Girls, seduction and addiction

Word 2022-08-19 Little Girls, seduction and addiction

Prophetic Word 2022-08-19, given, maybe around 18:00 on the bicycle cycling back home from the ocean. It came around an area near a certain car wash and when continue riding along, passing the cemetery Note: It speaks a lot in a metaphorical language or somehow coded,...