by Klaus | Oct 3, 2024 | Messages
Message 2024/20 (Month 10) October… completion of corruption Note: I just made a message in Month ten of the secular year 2024, so why now another one? Well, first of all, sometimes I have more than one message in one month, but also, as mentioned, the last one...
by Klaus | Oct 7, 2023 | Messages
It’s (again) war in Israel – 2023-10-07 Guess everyone already knows… Actually, I wanted to record this video already yesterday (day one of war), but in the evening is not enough light – silly enough with the sun shining through the shutters. I think...
by Klaus | Sep 27, 2023 | Messages
Succoth, Feast of the Tabernacles 2023/ 5784, The joyful festival of the fall feasts READ MORE It’s been some time now since I left Israel, but I still remember my years there. The week before Succoth a bunch of people always asked me to help them to set up...
by Klaus | Sep 8, 2023 | Messages
Message 2023-09-a, The upcoming Biblical appointed feasts; Yom Truah, Yom Kippur and Succoth We are heading towards some ″holidays″. Some name it Jewish feasts or festivals, but literally they are the biblical appointed feasts – and this is for all people, not only...
by Klaus | Sep 30, 2022 | Messages
Jewish Month 5783 Elul The first the feast of the trumpets has passed – or maybe not? Guess the rapture guys who claimed it to happen between the 25th and 27th even til the 29th or so will surely find a way to explain their errors away. Yes, I do believe in the...