Word 2024/02/25 Lies upon lies

Word 2024/02/25 Lies upon lies

Prophetic Word 2024-02-25 maybe 2:00pm Note: I was in prayer and came with a question to Yeshua, which is mentioned in the first sentence. Well, then it happened that He answered me. He started out first more personal, where I think this is also good to share as it...
Word 2023-02-17 The Thunder and the Word

Word 2023-02-17 The Thunder and the Word

Prophetic word, given, 2023-02-17 around 17:45hrs Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this prophecy Beginning of Prophecy: It’s coming down like thunder Not a thunder you know, but a thunder, the children of Israel were afraid of...
Dream 2022-06-01 The preacher and the King Cobra

Dream 2022-06-01 The preacher and the King Cobra

Prophetic Dream June 01. 2022 This is the first of two different dreams that very night – the second will be published soon. Note: This dream now is the one I already shared somehow in the message on Shavuot. But here now with the more advanced interpretation to...
Message June 2022 – Shavuot 5782/ Pentecost 2022

Message June 2022 – Shavuot 5782/ Pentecost 2022

Message June 2022 with a dream included (the Preacher and the King Cobra) Shavuot What is Shavuot some may ask Well, the term Shavuot is not very common or, to most people in churchianity possibly more or less or even complete unknown. It is the feast that is at the...
Word 2022-03-06 Thief at night, Light, prosperity

Word 2022-03-06 Thief at night, Light, prosperity

Prophetic word, given from Yeshua on March the 6th 2022 15:50 received it in the kitchen, right after I came back home. Note: This word contains a lot of details between the lines but it’s hard to point out to all of it – actually not much at all. And anyway not...