Home 9 Words 9 Word 2024/09/23 Asleep in the lukewarm fire with blind leaders

Word 2024/09/23 Asleep in the lukewarm fire with blind leaders

Prophetic word, given on 2024-09-23 ~9:00PM

It actually started a bit personal, but somehow at the same it translate to all those who love Yeshua.
After a few sentences it turned away from the personal and it addresses mainly the church, church people, however the accurate definition.

As this word contains a lot of metaphors and part of it is very cryptic, so the more you would need the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through it to give you wisdom and understanding of the symbols and everything else. And as scripture says we prophecy in part. So I advice as always to pray before listening of reading the transcript, which is provided on my website with the link in the description.

Beginning of Prophecy.

My child, are you tired?
Yes you are and not only tired, but very very tired.
But you are still alive and not asleep.

Many fall asleep in their daily routine, many pastors and preachers and teachers.
Most church is asleep in the light of the night, under the shelter of their denomination.
For a long time they have been tired in the bed of religion with theology as the pillow, under a blanket of empty words.
Is My word there?
Yes, a little, but mainly it’s words of liturgy, the same phrases and flowers of speech in the garden of comfort, as has been for a very very long time.

Have you ever seen a fire without heat?
Many churches produce a lot of smoke, but without a fire and neither hot nor cold but lukewarm.
How long do you think you can continue with that?
Until the real fire comes, the unholy one?

You call Me teacher and master and truly I am.
But how comes, you listen, but don’t do what I command you to do?
I ask for obedience but all you have is sacrifice and activities, and many bring their sacrifices to the pastor instead to Me.
I ask for mercy but you point your finger against each other, against anyone who does not say amen after every second of your sentences that comes out of your own mouth.

When twilight kisses the moon, but the moon goes to rest, what is it for a night?
And when the dawn hands the relay over to the sun, but the sun decides to walk back into her house and keeps on sleeping because she says: I am too tired today to sweep the sky.
When love is snoring like a lumberjack and the dead smells a stinking fish in the cold oven, what will you eat and drink, when I shut the heavens?
Your stinking fish?
Empty phrases?
Watery messages?
Human philosophy and doctrines?

Remember, the fish start stinking from the head first.
If you smell something in the building called church where you attend, something from the pulpit that is not the sweet aroma of My truth… run out, as fast as you can.

The worm that never dies does not know day or night, mercy or love.
He stinks worse than any foul fish or those, drifting along the mainstream with keel up.
Those who are asleep now will find themselves one day soon in midst of trials and tribulation.
Jonah got swallowed up by the big fish – it woke him up to do what I called him to do.
What do I need for you, church, to wake you up?

My beloved, you are tired of this wicked world, and rightfully so.
I am tired too, as I was already tired of My disciples faith while I dwelt in the flesh among them.
I was very tired of the selfish elite in those days, as they were neither hot nor cold and even not lukewarm.
They were blind, leading the blind into the abyss.

So today, churches and synagogues are filled with blind people, small and great staring at the ones who should lead them into righteousness through My word and by the indwelling of the Holy spirit into all truth.
But blind as the night they lead their flock into the dark pit of despair.
They trust men and the system of the beast more than Me.
Most the sheep are not tired to keep their commands and follow their orders.
But to follow Me… they fall asleep.
And so, many will fall away.

A fire is burning and with the storm it will quickly reach your house.
A fire with tyrannic dictators to burn slaves in their engines.
You better wake up and repent before it reaches your door.
As soon I give permission you will not have time to repent, but it will purge you into repentance in a way like never before – in a way, you don’t like.
The unholy fire is not asleep and eagerly waiting for his arrival

End of Prophecy

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