by Klaus | Dec 29, 2024 | Home Page NEWS items, Messages
Message 2024/24 Thank You! (Month 12) It’s not always so super easy to practice it instead just to read Ephesians where it says: Giving thanks always for all things unto Adonai and the Father in the Name of our Lord Yeshua HaMashiach So I say: Thank you,...
by Klaus | Nov 7, 2024 | Prophetic Poetry
Prophetic Word, given on 2024-11-07 around 9:00AM Note: Again this is in a form of a poem with all the weird cryptic sentences and metaphors, and all jumbled around. Please ask in prayer that the Holy Spirit will lead and guide you through it and give you the proper...
by Klaus | May 11, 2024 | Words
Prophetic Word 2024-05-11 18:00 during worship Note: Before you listen or read this word, please ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you for further wisdom and understanding in all things according to Yeshuas grace. The more as it contains some metaphors and...
by Klaus | Oct 28, 2023 | Messages
Halloween and your children, Message 2023/10e A year have passed and again the occult holiday turning Month 10 to 11, or shall I say more accurate: Hell-day? Only wondering if can I am still permitted to say that or will this be already counted as hatespeech? I...
by Klaus | Oct 2, 2023 | Words
Alert test, warning for October 04, Prophecy, given on Word 2023-10-02 10:30pm Note: I heard about some sort of a test-run, emergency alert or whatever they name it on the 4th of October. Guess they might do it again another day. Some people give a warning to switch...