Message 14/2024 (Month 06) – When you die…

Message 14/2024 (Month 06) – When you die…

Message 14 in the year 2024, month 06 – When you die… Note: Usually messages tend to be long – or relatively long but this might be not too long. Actually, I got inspired to make this message after I spoke with someone about different things, also related to the...
Word 2023-07-10 The hands of Adonai (YHWH / Yeshua)

Word 2023-07-10 The hands of Adonai (YHWH / Yeshua)

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-07-10 12:20 (noon) while sailing somewhere south of Greece Note: I started writing a part of it but then after a little while the sea became very choppy with strong winds that I could not continue anymore. But later when the wind and...
Word 2022-09-12 Everything new and harvest

Word 2022-09-12 Everything new and harvest

Prophetic Word, given on 2022-09-12 around 8am Note: There is no timeline given… For deeper understanding and interpretation ask the Holy Spirit. Beginning of prophecy: The former things are on the way to pass away; Behold I will make everything new. Sin is...
Word 2022-03-14 Why focus on Ukraine?

Word 2022-03-14 Why focus on Ukraine?

Prophetic word received on March 14 around 8:00pm Note: I was not excited to hear something about the Ukraine since there is so much around to interfere our minds. Some things in this word I also don’t really understand. As it contains several metaphors and...
Word 2022-03-05 Battle for lives and souls

Word 2022-03-05 Battle for lives and souls

Prophetic word received on March the 5th 2022 around 9:10pm. Note: Actually I got this word already at 6pm when I was in the kitchen but didn’t write it down. Then about 3 hours later the exact same words came to me and I thought, very likely Yeshua want to say...