Prophetic Word 2024/07/03 The secret puppet song

Prophetic Word 2024/07/03 The secret puppet song

Prophetic Word, given on 2024-07-03 around 10AM Note: It’s not a song as the title suggests, and you won’t hear any music, because it’s a word where I felt this should be the title. If I would still have the equipment, maybe I might be able to create...
Word 2023-02-17 The Thunder and the Word

Word 2023-02-17 The Thunder and the Word

Prophetic word, given, 2023-02-17 around 17:45hrs Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this prophecy Beginning of Prophecy: It’s coming down like thunder Not a thunder you know, but a thunder, the children of Israel were afraid of...
Word/ Poetry 2023-01-29 Yeshuas pain

Word/ Poetry 2023-01-29 Yeshuas pain

Prophetic Word (poem), given on 2023-01-29 7:00pm Note: When I received this word I had for a split second a strange pain, where possibly Yeshua let me feel how He feels when he looks upon this world. Out of this pain He gave me these words. Please ask the Holy Spirit...