Word 2023-02-24 22:30 Does it matter?

Word 2023-02-24 22:30 Does it matter?

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-02-24 around 10:30pm Note: There was an interruption somewhere in the middle of the writing when I fell asleep: – possibly for an hour or so – the indication is, because it was already past midnight. I could not continue and took a real...
Word 2022-10-28 Fear of YHWH and Fear of men

Word 2022-10-28 Fear of YHWH and Fear of men

Prophetic Word 2022-10-28 ~11:00 in the morning while cleaning Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit for more understanding of this prophecy and how it apply for you personally. I hope and pray it will edify you. Beginning of Prophecy: The fear of YHWH is the beginning of...

Dream 2022-01-22 Unity Division and Romans

Prophetic Dream January the 22nd 2022 (Time is not clear, maybe 2:00am) I actually can’t remember most of the dream but that day at afternoon, one section of the dream were constantly stirring in my mind. So I thought Adonai want me to write it down. Let the...