Word 2024/01/21 The 4th Epidemic is coming

Word 2024/01/21 The 4th Epidemic is coming

Prophetic word, given on 2024-01-21 around 9:00pm Note: at the end I will share briefly a dream I had the following night, more towards morning, which will be then the 22nd. Eventually there is a connection to some extend of the word and the dream. As always, please...
Word 2023-02-17 The Thunder and the Word

Word 2023-02-17 The Thunder and the Word

Prophetic word, given, 2023-02-17 around 17:45hrs Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this prophecy Beginning of Prophecy: It’s coming down like thunder Not a thunder you know, but a thunder, the children of Israel were afraid of...
Dream 2022-07-19 A journey through trials and tribulation

Dream 2022-07-19 A journey through trials and tribulation

Prophetic Dream, on 2022-07-19 around 0:15. Note: If you doubt this is prophetic, ask the Holy Spirit: He will tell you! But in any case, it is good to keep in permanent connection with the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you every second – not only through this dream....
Word 2022-02-18 system change good or bad

Word 2022-02-18 system change good or bad

Prophetic Word, received on February the 18th 2022 around 8:30pm during Shabat worship. There will be a change. A change in the system. Will it be better? Will it be worse? …depends on the viewpoint Sometimes rain is good, sometimes not. In season, out of season...