Message 2024/05 All the ″wondrous″ stripes

Message 2024/05 All the ″wondrous″ stripes

Message 05 Month 03 2024 All the ″wondrous″ stripes (in the sky) Boker Tov, Guten Morgen, God morgon, Bonjour, Dobroe utro… Good morning sky. May you are all familiar with such a view outside when you wake up or at least when you look up. READ MORE Except if...
Word 2022-11-11 Do you know…?

Word 2022-11-11 Do you know…?

Prophetic Word 2022-11-11 19:00 during worship Note: Sometimes the title looks a bit odd, but so it is. And as a disclaimer here again; when it speaks about I, Me, My or Mine, it is not this goofball sitting on the couch, but the Lord Yeshua through His Holy Spirit...
Word 2022-04-22 The blood between the lines

Word 2022-04-22 The blood between the lines

Prophetic word, given on April 22th 2022 on 6:45 in the morning Note: As always in every prophecy, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this word. Also to give you wisdom, how to translate this word in your personal life or into this world today....