Message 2024/02 Prophets and Profits – “exposed″

Message 2024/02 Prophets and Profits – “exposed″

Message 2024/02 Prophets and Profits – ″exposed″ Month 01 This message may sound a bit controversial, coming from someone who post prophetic words (online). Well, I will start actually with a true story, quiet some years back: READ MORE There was a woman who followed...
Word 2023-07-10 The hands of Adonai (YHWH / Yeshua)

Word 2023-07-10 The hands of Adonai (YHWH / Yeshua)

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-07-10 12:20 (noon) while sailing somewhere south of Greece Note: I started writing a part of it but then after a little while the sea became very choppy with strong winds that I could not continue anymore. But later when the wind and...
Message 2023/05: Farewell

Message 2023/05: Farewell

Message for the month 05-2023 to say farewell. The Goofball on the couch will be off from internet for an unknown period of time. IF any prophecies will be coming and access to Internet might be somewhere possible, they all will be found on my website bindernowski dot...
Word 2023-04-21 The door, the oil and No future

Word 2023-04-21 The door, the oil and No future

Prophetic Word/ Vision during worship 2023-04-21, around 8:30pm Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this word to get all the details when you listen to the word in the worship. Especially as I used not many words. This prophecy is different...
Word 2022-05-25 The last train is coming

Word 2022-05-25 The last train is coming

Prophetic Word/ Vision, given on May the 25th 2022 around noon Note: It is very metaphorical, so make sure you ask the Holy Spirit for interpretation and understanding. Beginning of Prophecy The train is coming. It brings us the trash from the past, the cargo of...