Message 2024/21 (Month 10) US s’Election Harris / Trump

Message 2024/21 (Month 10) US s’Election Harris / Trump

Message 2024/21 (Month 10) US s’Election Harris / Trump Message 2024/21 (Month 10) I need to say that I am very glad to be far away from America – hard to say the correct distance, because it depends if you measure on a globe, a flat or a biblical earth. Anyway,...
Word/ Poetry 2023-08-25 When Rome will burn again

Word/ Poetry 2023-08-25 When Rome will burn again

Prophetic Word/ Poetry 2023-08-25 17:30 Note: I was in bed with a migraine and the word dropped in little by little over a period of several hours because I had to lay down over and over again. It was a quiet a painful challenge to write it down. But by the grace of...
Word 2022-11-11 Do you know…?

Word 2022-11-11 Do you know…?

Prophetic Word 2022-11-11 19:00 during worship Note: Sometimes the title looks a bit odd, but so it is. And as a disclaimer here again; when it speaks about I, Me, My or Mine, it is not this goofball sitting on the couch, but the Lord Yeshua through His Holy Spirit...