Word 2024/06/12 Hitler, yesterday and today

Word 2024/06/12 Hitler, yesterday and today

Prophetic Word 2024-06-12 Hitler, yesterday and today Note: in this video I have a word that took quite a while to write it down because I was definitely not pleased to hear about this guy and additionally some people might think or say, oh, this is just made up stuff...
Word 2024/04/12 Iran vs. America (west)

Word 2024/04/12 Iran vs. America (west)

Prophetic word, given on 2024-04-12, 2:50am Note: As you read the headline you may wonder, what will it be. But to receive deeper insight and wisdom how to look at this prophecy, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you. Beginning of Prophecy Iran: how the world...
Message 2023/12 The final countdown

Message 2023/12 The final countdown

The final countdown, Message 2023/12 (in warpspeed) Today I want to share some thoughts about the Gregorian year 2023 as it is coming slowly/quickly to the end First of all it is incredible how fast this year has passed by. A lot of things happened. READ MORE Most...
Word 2023-07-20 Philosophy, Putin, NATO and Truth

Word 2023-07-20 Philosophy, Putin, NATO and Truth

Prophetic Word 2023-07-20 ~7:00pm/ 8:00pm Note: When I received the word, I didn’t write it down immediately, but it came back about an hour later (then I wrote it down). The reason I didn’t wrote it down right away was because everything was not good...
Word 2022-03-26 good & evil, Germany, Australia, repent

Word 2022-03-26 good & evil, Germany, Australia, repent

Prophetic word, given March 26. around 8:00 in the morning, after a time in prayer. Note: Because of all the symbolic stuff and the metaphors in this prophecy, make sure you ask the Holy Spirit to give you deeper understanding into this word. And … when it says Me,...