Word 2023/11/24 At the end of the day

Word 2023/11/24 At the end of the day

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-11-24 around 8:00pm Note: First of all I want to thank those who have been supporting me in prayer and also a few with donations. I don’t take it for granted but don’t like to make a big fuss or long sermon out of it, like...
Word 2023-04-12 The big BUT and the commandments

Word 2023-04-12 The big BUT and the commandments

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-04-12 2:30am Note: Actually I could not sleep anymore maybe at 2 o’clock and went to worship and pray a bit. Then the Holy Spirit started to talk to me. Usually when writing something in that time at night, I would fall asleep...
Word 2022-07-30 Conversation between Yeshua and CERN

Word 2022-07-30 Conversation between Yeshua and CERN

Prophetic Word, given on 2022 Month 07, Day 30 around sunset (maybe 7:30pm). Note: This prophecy is more like a conversation where Yeshua speaks with CERN or better to say it’s players behind the scene. Also it seems to indicate this conversation includes also...
Word 2022-05-25 The last train is coming

Word 2022-05-25 The last train is coming

Prophetic Word/ Vision, given on May the 25th 2022 around noon Note: It is very metaphorical, so make sure you ask the Holy Spirit for interpretation and understanding. Beginning of Prophecy The train is coming. It brings us the trash from the past, the cargo of...

Remember October 1946

Just thinking: Where or how to start… Do we not have enough of that Covid 19 rubbish? Day in day out the mainstream liars are pushing the 21 and 2030 agenda We all know meanwhile that this corona thing is not a virus but… READ MORE a bio-weapon, a tool to...