Word/ Poetry 2023-01-29 Yeshuas pain

Word/ Poetry 2023-01-29 Yeshuas pain

Prophetic Word (poem), given on 2023-01-29 7:00pm Note: When I received this word I had for a split second a strange pain, where possibly Yeshua let me feel how He feels when he looks upon this world. Out of this pain He gave me these words. Please ask the Holy Spirit...
Word/ Poetry 2022-10-16 The diabolic green agenda

Word/ Poetry 2022-10-16 The diabolic green agenda

Prophetic Word received in Month 10, day 16 year 2022 around 6:10 in the morning – dropped down out of the blue, around my breakfast time. As this is more like a poem with rhymes, so it can sound like here and there some words missing and also consider the metaphors....
Word 2013-08-05 The mark of the beast is coming

Word 2013-08-05 The mark of the beast is coming

Prophecy, given on August the 5th 2013 in the kitchen. Re-published June 2022 Note: Keep in mind, this was given in 2013 and read it in context of what happened since then, especially the last 2,5 years. There are some personal comments or thoughts I included back...