Word 2023-07-10 The hands of Adonai (YHWH / Yeshua)

Word 2023-07-10 The hands of Adonai (YHWH / Yeshua)

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-07-10 12:20 (noon) while sailing somewhere south of Greece Note: I started writing a part of it but then after a little while the sea became very choppy with strong winds that I could not continue anymore. But later when the wind and...
Word 2023-02-10 Earthquake 7, signs and wonders

Word 2023-02-10 Earthquake 7, signs and wonders

Prophetic word, given 2023-02-10 around 17:00Hrs Note: This prophecy relates to the video I posted about the Earthquake in Turkey on 2023-02-10 around 5pm There while posting it, Yeshua guided my eyes to the earthquake into a different perspective and showed me...
Word 2023-01-06 Fifty Days

Word 2023-01-06 Fifty Days

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-01-06 ~5:00pm Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit to give you deeper understanding and also interpretation for the things that are metaphorical, especially since it is partially in a form of a poem – and also see to whom Yeshua is pointing...
Word 2022-11-11 Do you know…?

Word 2022-11-11 Do you know…?

Prophetic Word 2022-11-11 19:00 during worship Note: Sometimes the title looks a bit odd, but so it is. And as a disclaimer here again; when it speaks about I, Me, My or Mine, it is not this goofball sitting on the couch, but the Lord Yeshua through His Holy Spirit...