Message 2024/11 Zelensky (his days numbered?)

Message 2024/11 Zelensky (his days numbered?)

Message 2024-11 Month 05 …about Zelensky, his claims and my thoughts to that. Possibly many of you have read it already. Lately I dropped into this article about Zelensky claiming ″Ukrainians are God’s chosen people″. READ MORE And just a few highlights...
Message 2024/10 WHO enjoys Politricks?!

Message 2024/10 WHO enjoys Politricks?!

Message 10 Year 2024 (Month 04) This message does not include any text. Please watch the short video below. If you aware of body language, you know it often says more than thousand words. Links to the Videos on different Platforms – you can decide which one you...
Message 2024/09 Who is listening?

Message 2024/09 Who is listening?

Message 09 Year 2024 (Month 04) This message does not include any text. Please watch the short video below about something that happened lately, when in no time I saw the result of surveillance. Links to the Videos on different Platforms – you can decide which one you...
Message 2024/08 Superstition and Suspicion

Message 2024/08 Superstition and Suspicion

Message 2024/08 Month 04 Note: To see all the images, please watch the attached video (coming soon), I include here only a few. Well, this is old stuff (what I am talking about), everyone already know that the sky and so we are being poisoned The country with the...
Message 2024/07 Distractions and Deceptions

Message 2024/07 Distractions and Deceptions

Message 2024/07 Distractions and Deceptions, Month 04 Note: Well, just felt like to come up with another message, not a prophecy, though you never know it might contain some prophetic elements, as like my parody when I started to gathered together my ideas in April...