Home 9 Words 9 Prophetic word 2024/08/28 Another crack in the wall

Prophetic word 2024/08/28 Another crack in the wall

Prophetic word, given on 2024-08-28 around 9:00 AM

Before listening or reading, please make sure in prayer that the Holy Spirit will lead any guide you into all wisdom and understanding, and the more, because it’s very visual but at the same time, packed with metaphors.

There is actually a lot information between the lines, so you truly need to ask the Lord for revelation.
I am not able or instructed to pinpoint every detail or else, this word could go on for hours and become very confusing with my clumsy explanations between.

It starts as a poem and then turns into a normal word, and contains also a portion that is personally, partially with a bit of an extension for or to others.
You may not understand all the details in it, because it gives also reference to a dream I had not long ago, which I may not share, but as this section might be encouraging I’ll leave it in this prophecy.

Beginning of Prophecy:

Babylon sends children to his school
There, each one shall learn how to become a fool

Indoctrinated from A to Z, taught to always nod their head
No matter WHO’s in charge, green and blue or red

Trained to follow orders in the latter days to come
Suppressed emotions, no compassion, just completely numb

Deception is the system’s teaching tool
And many kids think; wow, this is very cool

Parents believe their offspring will get super smart
While brains be stuffed with junk, perversion fills the heart

A subtle plan to bring men far away from Me
Satisfy the little ones with all forbidden fruit right off the tree

The one who feeds them with the good and evil knowledge
A path from day care up to university or college

Teachers drilled, instilled, not to leave the kids alone
Confused deluded puppets, queer without a backbone

Creativity, individuality stomped out of every mind
Turned to psychopathic clones to have them spiritually blind

Not anymore can My word be truly found along this tricky trail
It disappeared and those who dare to wanna bring it back might end in jail

The major purpose through the years is taught to fear the beast
Hammered into little brains with it’s image, worship more increased

Wisdom and instructions and the fear of Me the fools all have despised
Gender bending with transhumanism every sesson exercised

Removed the vision for each child finally to kill them all
Stealing their identity so they don’t recognize My call

I desire them to be a brick, a free one in My holy wall
And bring My word far to the ends, to people all, great and small

The tide has turned… don’t you see it?
Look into the heavenly realm, it’s there.
Open your eyes if you have eyes to see and realize.
Daniel has been waiting for the messenger to bring the answer, so you too, have to wait for a very short time to receive the message and the answer.

I have given you a glimpse of your desire to be with Me.
When you poured out salt and light over the Manna I have given you, it caused you so much excitement that broke the vessel while the light covered the Manna.
Time is short, but I will extend it for you and My beloved in a way, that will blow your mind.

It’s not about a day and an hour, it’s all about You!
And more, Your desire to be with Me.

Moshe was 40 days and 40 nights in My presence (twice).
During that relatively short time he received and experienced an outpouring of My love and instructions in such a way where naturally it would take a generation of books with instructions to read and other generations to understand.
But all the wealth you can see, he received within this short 40 period of time.

Will you come to Me again and draw very near?
Yes, I know, you desire this more than anything else.
But it will crush you, when I send you back, because your hour has not yet come.
So, wait for the day and the hour when the day and hour will be consummated and called into existence by My father and to remain where you belong.
But the message and the answer you will receive in time given, as you will also receive the restoration of the years that the locusts and their evil friends have eaten.
As you ate My manna, so I will fill you with My wonders, and there is no need to tell you that My word is true because you know it deep in your heart.


Look, how the beast has set up a trap for himself.
Get out of Babylon, hurry and don’t delay!
Everything the wicked builders have built, is laid upon sandy ground.
Their own shady school system trained their own fools, and what they learned cause their own demise… and all in all is just another crack in the wall.
A wall of ignorance, a wall of rejection of Me and My truth, a wall of wickedness, made by rotten bricks.

Not only is their house build on sand, but their whole construct is upside down, caused by their decisions to turn good into evil and evil into good.
Their heavy foundation made of iron mixed with clay is now at the very top and the roof made by a little straw of sanity is buried at the bottom halfway in the sand, mingling slowly deeper and deeper into the sand of madness.
The education system gained so many diversities, it’s meanwhile so colorful, there ain’t no more names for all the disgusting tones.
A shaking and all their corrupt smokescreen will collapse with heavy loads of judgment from above.
Their project is like if you want to nail pudding on a wall with the challenge to find a spot without cracks.

The globalists caused a lot of storms.
I gave permission for some storms to wake people up from their (spiritual) slumber.
And I continue to give permission for more big storms to come. Some designed by the lawless one, others by My mighty hand and outstretched arm.
The evil storms cause a lot of destruction while mine bring instructions, but both for the purpose to bring more souls into My kingdom as if everything would stay calm and cozy. The people and even most churches fall asleep without real storms in the sound of silence.

The next tyrannic storm they created will come, but I will diverse the direction, if you, My people (IF YOU My people) honestly pray and truly humble yourselves and seek My face… then… your prayers will not delay and the crack in the wall of the wicked will increase instead the dimension of your slavery.
Your united shout together synchronized with My Shofarot shall tumble their wall.
But if you yell or gossip and point your unrighteous fingers against each other, nothing will turn for your good, because this is the mortar that the accuser of the brethren can use to fill the cracks of his wicked walls.

Remember Yericho!
Be still and know that I am the great I Am.
I have not forgotten and I see because I have created the eye and I hear, because I have created the ear.

Once you have surrounded their blasphemous wall seven times in silence, I will give the signal for the shout.
Let them laugh or mock at My true holy priests in front who carry My ark of salvation, and sneer at the large crowd of unknown beautiful people following the lamb. These are men and women, young and old with many children, babies and nursing toddlers who are ordained to sing the praises to the most high.
Let them laugh while you laugh with Me, as I have them in derision.
When they mock against you they mock against me and I am not mocked.
You will laugh even more when you will see the cracks in their wall growing and finally everything tumbling down.

Don’t focus on politics nor on elections because it’s all set up for deception and distraction.
They will soon place another brick in their wall and stack another bunch of lawless bricks on top.
Though it looks like at first glance promising and hopeful, but all in all with each and every brick, it will simply cause more cracks.
I let it happen for their own destruction as much as I hardened Pharaoh’s heart, so in his fury he, himself with his entire ″royal″ army went into the sea to drown.
So I let these ″Greedmasons″ lay more bricks for their crooked wall.

Don’t be afraid or look upon the beast as you have been instructed from schoolbooks and human laws.
Look at Me and My salvation and let My commandments be your instruction.
My holy wall is not able to collapse, because everything holds together with the mortar of My love, and you who love Me are the bricks.

But don’t stand idle around.
This is the last hour and I still send laborers into the harvest – and those who go will receive the same as the ones who went out in the first hour at the dawn of the cross.
Go quickly and fix your net speedily as there are a lot of great fish in the ocean of filth that needs to be swapped over to the ocean of My love.
I’ve made Shimon Kaypha and Andreaus his brother to become fisher of men – so I can make anyone who is willing to go, the same.

And for those who have no ″boat″, or no way or calling to go into the harvest, I ask you to pray and plead the master of the harvest to send more laborers; and you shall not forget to intercede for those who are already out in the fields or in their ″boats″ to gather righteous fruits.
You know how many I fed with two fish and 5 loaves of bread and how much was left over.
This was only a small portion of what I am able to do.

Many hearts have been deceived by all the bricks and cracks of the wicked wall. They all need salvation and healing, especially those who have been intentionally powdered with all the toxic mortar. People have been taught to help building, without asking why, using these particles of obedience in order to connect the bricks of the deceptive wall together.
This purpose of this wall is to separate creation from Me, their true creator.

Don’t worry, when the news will be filled with some new and more deadly diseases, terror, war and rumors of wars.
If you love Me and keep My commandments, I will keep you from all harm.
My holy wall where I want you to be a part of it is a wall of protection and provision.
There are still a lot of holes in that wall, so it doesn’t look pretty from the outside, but it shall be filled with new bricks very soon, and My glory that still covers that wall will finally shine in a way that no darkness is able to come near.

Don’t listen to the liars in high places. Spreading imaginary fear is their strongest deceptive weapon.
But have the fear of Me so I can pour out My wisdom and My true knowledge upon you.
Teach your children My word, from the cradle til they are mature enough to never leave the path of righteousness and able to teach their own children.
My school is not by learning letters, but to trust and obey, and do what I’ve called you to do with the gifts and talents I have poured into your life.
Every brick in My holy wall is like a part of My body.
Each one fits only at one exact certain spot in it’s size and form.
If it wants to be mounted at another place or by his self-will, either it will not fit, or it will block others to join.
As those bricks only cause cracks and division, you shall see how quickly they will be removed from the wall and be tossed with the rubble of Damascus. The time is here now for this removal and cleansing process as judgment begins in My house – and it already began.
Remember the builder of the holy temple is ONE – and he seeks a temple without spot and wrinkles.

There are wicked builders who rejected the stone who became the precious chief cornerstone, and they are the same who teach children in school there are no foundations of the earth. But they are not able to answer My question; who laid it’s cornerstone, because they rejected Him.
As they built in vain without any foundation of truth but only a heavy burden foundation of lies, the whole Babylonian education system falls apart, and, all in all it’s just another crack in their wall.

You can pray for your enemies, but don’t forget to pray for your friends and beloved ones who are still walking on the wide road that leads straight into destruction.
You can decide if you think it’s more fruitful to pray for one of the many pharaohs to repent, which is like to teach camels to jump through the eye of a needle…. or… you may cast your net and catch a bunch of fish while you listen to Me and let Me tell you, on which side of your boat you’ll find them.

Keep your eyes, ears and mouth away from the lust of the flesh and it’s worldly desires including all the vain events, but focus on Me and I will take care of the rest.
If you want to be a brick in My holy wall and remain there, fill the place I have allotted for you, and most important, be holy for I am holy.

Unholy bricks can only be found in the wicked wall, that will collapse and fall as Babylon will fall.
Once again, come out of her, before she falls, so you don’t become partakers of her sins and receive her plagues.
Everything they do, is for their own pleasures, all in vain and, all in all it’s just another crack in the (their) wall.

End of prophecy

But…another thought that came to me in this context.
Surely you heard about the Freemasons.
Well, I am a free mason but not a Freemason.
While the Freemasons actually are not really masons, I guess hardly anyone of them knows how to work physically with their hands, but more importantly, they are definitely not free.

For me, without being officially a mason, I do masonry work sometimes beside many other things but more important… unlike the Freemasons I am free…. and YOU can be too, (whether you are a mason or not); in Yeshua is freedom

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