Message 2022/11 ″Smart″ 5G and the insects

Message 2022/11 ″Smart″ 5G and the insects

Message for Month 11 Year 2022 It’s a bit delayed I prepared the message at the beginning of the month yet until I’ll got it finally done – and oops it’s almost at the end of the month. But anyway, so much happened lately, it’s hard to...
Message 2022/10 Yom Kippur and Succoth

Message 2022/10 Yom Kippur and Succoth

Jewish Month 5783 Elul The first the feast of the trumpets has passed – or maybe not? Guess the rapture guys who claimed it to happen between the 25th and 27th even til the 29th or so will surely find a way to explain their errors away. Yes, I do believe in the...
Word 2022-04-01 Yeshuas loneliness

Word 2022-04-01 Yeshuas loneliness

Prophetic Word received on April 01. 2022 around 9:15pm Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit for spiritual discernment and deeper understanding. Start of Prophecy: Do you know how lonely I am? There are billions of people who call or label themselves Christians, but I...