Word 2025/02/02 The battle is raging

Word 2025/02/02 The battle is raging

Prophetic Word, given on 2025-02-02 2:22PM Note: Some pieces might be a bit cryptic. But if you ask prayerfully, the Holy Spirit will surely guide you through this word and give you wisdom and understanding in all metaphors, figurative elements and parables. Beginning...
Word 2024/07/15 My Word and My Holy Spirit

Word 2024/07/15 My Word and My Holy Spirit

Prophetic word, given on 2024-07-15 ~8:00PM Note: As always, before you listen or read this word, ask in prayer so the Holy Spirit will lead and guide you into deeper wisdom and understanding. Beginning of Prophecy: My word is written for instruction. My people which...
Message 2023-10e: Halloween and your children

Message 2023-10e: Halloween and your children

Halloween and your children, Message 2023/10e A year have passed and again the occult holiday turning Month 10 to 11, or shall I say more accurate: Hell-day? Only wondering if can I am still permitted to say that or will this be already counted as hatespeech? I...
Word 2023-09-14 People in high places: Repent NOW!

Word 2023-09-14 People in high places: Repent NOW!

Prophetic Word 2023-09-14 7:00am during breakfast. Note: As always, before you listen or read the word, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this prophecy to give you full meaning and understanding. Actually, interrupting me in midst breakfast I...