Word 2023/10/12 It’s here – It’s done (+ Irony Dome)

Word 2023/10/12 It’s here – It’s done (+ Irony Dome)

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-10-12 around noon, 12:00 Note: Before you read or listen to the word, please ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you and give you wisdom and understanding, especially with the metaphors to get all the pearls out of it. Beginning of...
Word 2023-09-27 As the beginning so the end

Word 2023-09-27 As the beginning so the end

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-09-27 8:30am Peace be with you and Grace from Elohim our Father. Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide your though this word to give you wisdom and understanding also in the metaphorical and symbolic language. It started out...
Vision 2023-03-31 The World and the Wedding

Vision 2023-03-31 The World and the Wedding

Prophetic Vision, given on 2023-03-31 around 8:30pm during worship Note/ Info: I join a group of people who worship together online as we are in several different countries. Basically one at the time is playing while the others listening and it rotates. The sessions...