Word 2023/10/27 Breakthrough, Fire and Light

Word 2023/10/27 Breakthrough, Fire and Light

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-10-27 around 8:00pm (during worship) Note: As always, before you read or listen to this word, ask the Holy Spirit got counsel and to give you wisdom and understanding. This word contains a number of metaphors, though some of them look...
Word 2022-04-18 Ancient and modern Prophets…

Word 2022-04-18 Ancient and modern Prophets…

Prophetic Word received on April the 18th 2022 around 8:20 in the morning Some of the things in this prophetic word sounds very clear, other things are somehow more metaphorical and coded and some portions seem to be not so clear, since there is some kind of switching...

Word 2021-12-07 Break the curse with praise

Prophetic Word, given on December 7th 2021 around 5:30 in the morning. Yes, I am going to break the curse But you must pray – you must step into the gap. I will not do anything if you just sit back and watch TV and news and point your finger at the wicked. Yes I know...