Word 2023-01-23 The Third Gates Experiment

Word 2023-01-23 The Third Gates Experiment

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-01-23, 6:00am Note: Though it is a very short word please ask the Holy Spirit for deeper understanding and wisdom how …short, but it was clear as a bell. Beginning of Prophecy: ″And the third Gates experiment is getting launched in...
Word 2022-10-27 Protests are in the plan for changes

Word 2022-10-27 Protests are in the plan for changes

Prophetic Word, given on 2022-10-27 around 7pm while cooking Note: There was a bit an interruption, because someone came along while I wrote down the word, yet we had a good talk where he shared roughly some interesting information. The word may have become longer but...
Dream 2022-05-27 Bill Gates, Repentance, Farmland

Dream 2022-05-27 Bill Gates, Repentance, Farmland

Prophetic Dream, given on May 27th 2022 (at night). Note: For the interpretation watch the video in one of the video platforms, listed at the bottom of this page. If you get insight from the Holy Spirit, feel free to share it there. Please ask the Holy Spirit to give...