by Klaus | Dec 1, 2023 | Messages
The final countdown, Message 2023/12 (in warpspeed) Today I want to share some thoughts about the Gregorian year 2023 as it is coming slowly/quickly to the end First of all it is incredible how fast this year has passed by. A lot of things happened. READ MORE Most...
by Klaus | Apr 4, 2023 | Messages
Bindernowski’s message for month 04/2023 about Pessach – Chag Mazot Verses to read in Exodus 12:1-50 Exodus 13:1-16 Pessach/ Chag Mazot, the feast of the unleavened bread. As scripture said we shall celebrate it, so I do. READ MORE The way I do it might not be...
by Klaus | Jan 2, 2023 | Words
Prophetic Word, given on 2023-01-02 at 17:17hrs Note: First of all, make sure you read or listen with the guidance of the Holy Spirit to get the full understanding in all metaphorical or symbolic elements This word actually came very unusual. I finished work and was...