Dream 2022-04-01 explaining propaganda

Dream 2022-04-01 explaining propaganda

Prophetic Dream April 1st 2022 11:15pm Note: Pay attention, this is a little bit a more complicated subject. Of course we are all very aware propaganda exist on every corner. This dream explains how propaganda get stitched together at a deep level. As of the...
Word 2022-04-01 Yeshuas loneliness

Word 2022-04-01 Yeshuas loneliness

Prophetic Word received on April 01. 2022 around 9:15pm Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit for spiritual discernment and deeper understanding. Start of Prophecy: Do you know how lonely I am? There are billions of people who call or label themselves Christians, but I...
Word 2022-03-26 good & evil, Germany, Australia, repent

Word 2022-03-26 good & evil, Germany, Australia, repent

Prophetic word, given March 26. around 8:00 in the morning, after a time in prayer. Note: Because of all the symbolic stuff and the metaphors in this prophecy, make sure you ask the Holy Spirit to give you deeper understanding into this word. And … when it says Me,...
Poetry 2022-03-21 best wine and the end

Poetry 2022-03-21 best wine and the end

Prophetic Poetry received on March the 21st 2022 9:30pm (after a good time of personal worship) Note: As I don’t really understand poetry and less grammar (with English not being by native language) ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you to get the whole...
Word 2022-03-18 changes, storms quakes and fire

Word 2022-03-18 changes, storms quakes and fire

Prophetic word, given on March 18 2022 around 6:15 during Shabat Worship. Please Note: First of all the word is split in two sections. And it is a very unique word in a different style. It starts as usual with Yeshua speaking and then after a few sentences it flips...