Word 2025/01/22 The Executioner and the Platter

Word 2025/01/22 The Executioner and the Platter

Prophetic Word 2025-01-22 (3:00AM) The Executioner and the Platter Note: When praying about this strange word (mostly as a vision) I received the rest. I actually don’t know what time, I have not looked look up, only grabbed my block and a pen to write it down,...
Word 2024/10/30 The end of the Dollar (and Euro)

Word 2024/10/30 The end of the Dollar (and Euro)

Prophetic Word, given on 2024-10-30 12:00 noon Note: Sometimes the subject jumps back and forth. Also it contains a bunch of metaphors where I ask you to prayerfully let the Holy Spirit lead and guide you for further understanding by His wisdom. Beginning of Prophecy:...
Word 2024-05-24 Wonders on fire, Babel and Babylon falling

Word 2024-05-24 Wonders on fire, Babel and Babylon falling

Prophetic Word, given on 2024-05-24 ~18:00 (during worship) Note: Please consider that this word has a good amount of metaphors and figurative wordings/ elements. So make sure you ask the Holy Spirit to guide you for wisdom and discernment about meaning,...
Word 2023/11/24 At the end of the day

Word 2023/11/24 At the end of the day

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-11-24 around 8:00pm Note: First of all I want to thank those who have been supporting me in prayer and also a few with donations. I don’t take it for granted but don’t like to make a big fuss or long sermon out of it, like...